Cidariplura bilineata (Wileman & South, 1919) 雙線胸鬚裳蛾
bilineata Wileman & South, 1919, Entomol. 52: 267. (TL: Formosa [= Taiwan], lectotype: ♂, in coll. BMNH)
Elyra bilineata:
Poole, 1989: 356.
bilineata: Owada,
1992: 185, fig. 19; Owada, 2011: 223, pl. 2-043-31-33; Wu et al., 2013: 154, 21,
22, 25, 26, 49, 50, 57, 70, 84.
bilineata: Wang, 1994: 396; Zhang & Han, 2009: 27, incorrect year
of publication given (as 1915).
Mastigophorus brevivittalis: Wileman, 1911: 254, nec Moore, 1867.
Mastigophorus brevivittalis: Wileman, 1911: 254, nec Moore, 1867.
brevivittalis: Warren, 1913: 415; Inoue & Sugi, 1958: 606; Ogata,
1958: 191, pl. 118, fig. 2480; Sugi, 1959: 156, pl. 105, fig. 23; Yamamoto,
1965: 162, pl. 154, fig. 173; Owada, 1982: 1: 919, 2: 406, pl. 224, figs. 42,
43; Owada, 1987: 43; Chen, 1999: 1297, pl. 27-18, fig. 685; Holloway, 2008: 58,
nec Moore, 1867.
描述:本種展翅長約39mm,前翅長約19mm;觸角絲狀;雄蟲者各節具一對長剛毛;下唇鬚各節延長,第二三節向胸部背方彎曲,長度直到腹部前三節;體軀與雙翅黯棕色;前翅頂角稍突出,前中線與後中線淡黃褐色,後者稍寬,環紋與腎紋較翅底色黯,後者兩倍大並具有明顯黃白細框;亞外緣線由前緣至近前緣1/3段為明顯黃褐色,於1/3處有一縱向同色條帶延伸至外緣,各脈間具有一半圓形黑色小斑;後翅灰褐色,端室斑稍暗,中線近內緣段較明顯,淡褐色,外緣各脈間為不連續之黑色短斑。外觀近似雙白帶擬胸鬚裳蛾(Bertula bisectalis),然該種雄蟲觸角明顯為短櫛齒狀,腎紋段具有一ㄑ型白斑而非黑色圓斑可作為辨識依據。
生態學:分布於低中海拔原生闊葉林帶。推測為一年兩世代,成蟲發生於六到八月以及十到十二月。日本族群之幼蟲曾被紀錄取食苔蘚(Yamamoto, 1965)。
TaiBNET code: 346154
原始文獻:Wileman A. E. and R. South. 1919. New species of Pyralidae from Formosa. Entomologist 52: 267–268. [link]
原始文獻:Wileman A. E. and R. South. 1919. New species of Pyralidae from Formosa. Entomologist 52: 267–268. [link]
雄蟲;苗栗觀霧(2000 m) Male, Guanwu, Miaoli, 2000 m |
雌蟲;南投塔塔加(2610 m) Female, Tatajia, Nantou, 2610 m |
雄蟲(male) |
雌蟲(female) |