Hipoepa biasalis (Walker, 1859) 雙弧瓢鬚裳蛾
Bocana biasalis Walker, [1859] 1858, List Specimens lepid. Ins. Coll. Br. Mus., 16: 181 (TL: Borneo, Sarawak, lectotype: ♂, in coll. UM).
Hipoepa lapsalis Walker, [1859] 1858, List Specimens lepid. Ins. Coll. Br. Mus., 16: 188 (TL: Ceylon [Sri Lanka], lectotype: ♀, in coll. BMNH); Owada, 1994: 104, figs 31, 32, 37.
Nagadeba obenbergeri Strand, 1920, Archiv Naturg., 84A(12): 164 (TL: Formosa [= Taiwan], lectotype: ♂, in coll. DEI).
描述:本種展翅長18-20 mm,前翅長12-13mm;雄蟲觸角各節具一對長剛毛;頭部、體軀與前翅深紫藕色,前翅稍寬,頂角稍突出,外緣向外彎,前中線波曲狀,後中線折曲,兩線中央區間具棕色帶暈,前緣近亞頂區有一向外緣中段延伸之粉白色線紋,頂角端具一黑色斜橢圓斑;後翅褐色,亞外緣線淡褐色,於近內緣1/3段具明顯轉折,線段內側呈暗帶暈。翅紋近似中瓢鬚裳蛾(Hipoepa fractalis),然該種整體色調淡藕色而易於區分。
TaiBNET code: 346338
原始文獻:Walker, F. [1859] 1858. List of the Specimens of lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, 16: 1-253. London. [link]
原始文獻:Walker, F. [1859] 1858. List of the Specimens of lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, 16: 1-253. London. [link]
雄蟲;屏東南仁山(100 m) Male; Nanrenshan, Pingtung, 100 m |
雄蟲;花蓮光復(50 m);林試所 Male; Guanfu, Hualien, 50 m; TFRI |
雌蟲;花蓮光復(50 m);林試所 Female; Guanfu, Hualien, 50 m; TFRI |