mandarina (Leech, 1900) 灰褐巨鬚裳蛾
Nodaria? mandarina Leech, 1900, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1900: 644. (TL: [China], Moupin, lectotype:
♂, in coll. BMNH)
Nodaria? mandarina var. pallens Leech, 1900, Trans.
ent. Soc. Lond., 1900: 645,
mandarina: Warren, 1913: 413, pl. 71, line l; Poole, 1989: 634;
Owada, 1991: 76, figs 9-17.
Nodaria? mandarina ab. pallens: Warren, 1913: 413.
Sodiona houlberti Oberthür, 1923, Études Lépid. Comparée, 20: 203, pl. 559, fig. 4834.
Dyscia houberti: Wehrli, 1953: 667.
生態學:本種侷限分布於中海拔(1800-2500 m)之原生林帶,一年一世代,成蟲發生於8~10月。
TaiBNET code: 349864
原始文獻:Leech, J. H., 1900. Lepidoptera Heterocetera from northern China, Japan, and Corea, Part IV. Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1900: 511-463.
原始文獻:Leech, J. H., 1900. Lepidoptera Heterocetera from northern China, Japan, and Corea, Part IV. Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1900: 511-463.
雌蟲;台中武陵(1800 m) Female; Wuling, Taichung, 1800 m |
雄蟲;台中武陵(1800 m);日本築波博物館 Male; Wuling, Taichung, 1800 mㄤ; NSMT |
雌蟲;台中武陵(1800 m);日本築波博物館 Female; Wuling, Taichung, 1800 m; NSMT |