2014年5月23日 星期五

Paracolax fentoni (Butler, 1879) 小奴裳蛾

Paracolax fentoni (Butler, 1879) 小奴裳蛾

Herminia fentoni Butler, 1879a, Illust. Typical Specimens Lepid. Heterocera Colln Br. Mus. 3: 63, pl. 56, fig. 12. (TL: Japan, Yokohama, holotype: ♀, in coll.  BMHN)
Zanclognatha leechi: Warren, 1913: 418, pl. 74 h: Inoue & Sugi, 1958: 608; Sugi, 159b: 158, pl. 106, fig. 193, nec South, 1905.
Zanclognatha fentoi: Matsumura, 1931: 857.
Paaracolax fentoni: Remm & Martin, 1979: Remm, 1980: 15, nec South, 1905.
Paracolax fentoni: Owada, 1982, in Inoue et al., 1982: 921, pl. 225, figs. 16, 17; Poole, 1989: 771; Wang, 1994: 388.     

描述:本種展翅長16-18 mm,前翅長11-12mm;頭部、體軀與雙翅褐色,前翅稍寬,頂角突尖,外緣平滑向外彎,前中線、中線與後中線波曲狀,環紋呈橫向暗褐短斑,亞外緣線近乎平直、暗褐色,外緣黃褐色內嵌黑邊;後翅外緣平滑而圓弧外彎,前中線、中線與後中線暗褐色,後者外襯黃褐邊,外緣黃褐色內嵌黑邊。近似雙線奴裳蛾(Paracolax bilineata,然而該種體型較大(展翅長 23-25 mm),前翅前中線與後中線呈斜直橘褐線段,腎紋呈雙點斑而非單一橫斑而易於辨識。 

生態學:本種分布於台灣中北部低中海拔(7501000 m)之原生林帶,推測一年兩世代,成蟲發生於67月與1011月。


TaiBNET code: 346631

原始文獻:Butler, A. G., 1879, Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the collection of the British Museum Ill. typical Spec. Lep. Het. Colln Br. Mus. 3: xviii+82 pp., pls. 41-60. London. [link]

雄蟲;南投春陽(1000 m)
Chunyang, Nantou, 1000 m

雄蟲;南投谷關(800 m);林試所
Male; Aowanda, Nantou, 1100 m; TFRI
雌蟲;南投谷關(800 m);林試所
Female; Aowanda, Nantou, 1100 m; TFRI
Holotype, female;BMNH © Owada

