Paracolax sugii Owada, 1992 杉氏奴裳蛾
Paracolax sugii Owada, 1992a, Tinea 13(18): 186 (TL: Japan, holotype: ♂, in coll. NSMT); Wang, 1995: 10, fig.; Funakoshi, 2014: 517, figs 20, 21.
Bleptina contigua: Sugi, 1961, Tyo to Ga, 13: 20, 2 figs., nec Leech, 1900.
Paracolax contigua: Owada, 1982, in Inoue et al., Moths of Japan, 1: 920, 2: 406, pl. 225, fig. 2, pl. 384, fig.4; Owada, 1987: 47-48, fig. 18, 140, 239, 329, nec Leech, 1900.
描述:本種展翅長18-20 mm,前翅長12-13mm;頭部、體軀與雙翅棕色,前翅頂角稍突出,外緣微向外彎,腎紋大而明顯,略呈圓形而於外側中段具有一向基側之凹陷;後翅中線深褐色呈直線。本種前翅腎紋明顯於易於與其他物種辨識。
生態學:本種分布於低中海拔(50~1050 m)之低度干擾森林帶,推測為一年多世代,成蟲發生於3、4、7、9~11月,偶見。日本族群幼蟲取食殼斗科落葉。
TaiBNET code: 346633
原始文獻:Owada, M. 1992. Synonymic notes on the herminiine moths (Noctuidae) of Japan with descriptions of three new species. Tinea 13(18): 183-203.
TaiBNET code: 346633
原始文獻:Owada, M. 1992. Synonymic notes on the herminiine moths (Noctuidae) of Japan with descriptions of three new species. Tinea 13(18): 183-203.
雄蟲;桃園巴陵(500 m) Male; Baling, Taoyuan, 500 m |
雄蟲;宜蘭福山植物園(750 m) Male, Fushan Botanical Garden, 750 m |
雌蟲;宜蘭福山植物園(750 m) Female, Fushan Botanical Garden, 750 m |