Adrapsoides reticulatis (Leech, 1900) 網紋鬚裳蛾
Adrapsa? reticulatis Leech, 1900, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1900: 616 (TL: [China], Chang Yang, holotype: ♀, in coll BMNH)
Adrapsoides reticulatis: Matsumura, 1925: 153; Kawada, 1950: 741, fig. 2086; Inoue & Sugi, 1958: 613; Ogata, 1958: 195, pl. 118, fig. 2505; Sugi, 1959b: 159, pl. 106, fig, fig. 30; Remm & Martin, 1979: 135, fig. 13, 20; Remm, 1980: 16; Owada, 2011b: 230, pl. 2-045-34, 35.
Zanclognatha reticulatis: Owada, 1982, 1: 928, 2: 407, pls. 226, fig. 4, 382, fig. 7.; Poole, 1989: 830; Owada, 1992b: 173; Wang, 1994: 389.
Polypogan reticulatis: Holloway, 2008: 124, pl. 6-6, figs 305, 306.
Adrapsoides reticulatis ruptistigma Holloway, 1976: 41, pl. 15: 185, fig. 263 (TL: Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, Power Station, holotype: ♂, in coll. BMNH).
描述:前翅長14-15mm;雄蟲觸角近基部1/3處具有一瘤突,雌蟲觸角絲狀;頭部、體軀與雙翅淡黃褐色,肩片外緣黑棕色;前翅具有明顯網狀紋路,網紋黑棕色,翅頂角直角狀,外緣向外彎;後翅中線與亞外緣線淡棕色,皆稍向外彎,前者較寬。近似樂奴裳蛾(Paracolax angulata),然該種之雄蟲觸角絲狀無瘤突,前翅頂角稍尖,後翅具明顯之前中線,腹部各節末端具有棕色環紋而可茲區分。
生態學:本種分布於低中海拔(750-1950 m)之台灣中北部低度干擾森林帶,一年多世代,成蟲發生於4到7月與9至10月。
TaiBNET code: 346844
原始文獻:Leech, J. H., 1900. Lepidoptera Heterocetera from northern China, Japan, and Corea, Part IV. Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1900: 511-463.
原始文獻:Leech, J. H., 1900. Lepidoptera Heterocetera from northern China, Japan, and Corea, Part IV. Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1900: 511-463.
雌蟲;花蓮慈恩(1950 m) Femle; Ci'en, Hualien, 1950 m |
雌蟲;宜蘭明池田丸(1050 m);林試所 Femle; Tianwan, Mingchi, Ilan, 1050 m; TFRI |
雌蟲;花蓮慈恩(1950 m);林試所 Femle; Ci'en, Hualien, 1950 m; TFRI |