Hadennia mysalis (Walker, 1859) 黯紫衫裳蛾
Bertula mysalis Walker,
1859, List Specimens lepid. Ins. Coll.
Br. Mus., 19: 886. (TL: Ceylon [=
Sri Lanka], holotype: ♀, abdomen missing, in coll. BMNH); Owada, 1992: 183,
fig. 1, 9-13.
Hadennia mysalis:
Owada, 1992b: 184, fig. 9; Wang, 1994: 401, figs. (part)
albinotalis Moore, 1877, Proc.
zool. Soc. Lond., 1877: 613.
(TL: Andaman Island, lectotype: ♀, in coll. BMNH)
Hadennia purnosa Moore,
[1885] 1884-1887, Lepid. Ceylon, 3: 237, pl. 177, fig. 8. (TL: Ceylon [=
Sri Lanka], lectotype: ♀, abdomen missing, in coll. BMNH)
Hadennia burnoa
[sic]: Poole, 1989, Lepid. Cat. (N. Se.),
(118): 481, misspelling.
Hadennia ignicoma
Swinhoe, 1890, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1890: 264, pl. 8, fig. 12. (TL: Burma
[= Myanmar], lectotype: ♂, in coll. BMNH)
Hadennia palpiplumalis Owada, 1987, Taxonomic Study Subfamily Herminiinae Japan: 38, figs. 400, 403, 406. (TL: Japan, holotype: ♂, in coll. NSMT)
Hadennia palpiplumalis Owada, 1987, Taxonomic Study Subfamily Herminiinae Japan: 38, figs. 400, 403, 406. (TL: Japan, holotype: ♂, in coll. NSMT)
描述:本種前翅長11-12mm;雄蟲下唇鬚延長向頭、胸部背側方彎曲,第三節長橢圓形而背方著生暗棕色毛狀鱗片束,頭部、體軀與雙翅暗紫藕色,環紋黃褐色外框黑暈,非常小,腎紋白色呈橫向披針狀小短斑,其內側之中線呈黑色寬帶暈,頂角至亞外緣中段具有一寬黑帶暈,外緣白褐色內襯黑邊;後翅外緣平滑向外彎,中段具有黑色寬暈,端室斑白色新月狀,外緣白褐色內襯黑邊。近似泛紫杉裳蛾(Hadennia hypenalis),然該種前翅環紋明顯黃色,腎紋呈二分之黃褐斑,翅身後半段具有斜向寬粉紫帶狀暈而可供辨識。
TaiBNET code: 346316
原始文獻:Walker, F. 1859. List of the Specimens of lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, 19: 799-1036. London. [link]
原始文獻:Walker, F. 1859. List of the Specimens of lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, 19: 799-1036. London. [link]
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雌蟲(female);南投本部溪(Benbu River, Nantou, 800 m) |
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雄蟲;南投蓮花池(600 m);林試所 Male; Lianhuachi, 600 m; TFRI |
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雌蟲;南投南山溪(800 m)台中科博館 Female; Nanshanshi, 800 m; NMNS |