Zanclognatha yaeyamalis Owada, 1977 八重山鐮鬚裳蛾
Zanclognatha yaeyamalis Owada, 1977, Tinea, 10(11): 112, figs 5, 12, 16 (TL: Japan, Yaeyama Island, holotype: ♂, in coll. OPU; Owada, 1982, 1: 926, 2: 407, pl. 225: 54, 55; Owada, 1987: 102, figs 59, 277, 366; Fu & Hsu, 2009: 49, pl. 6: 32; Owada, 2011a: 227, pl: 2-045-21, 22.
描述:本種展翅長雄蟲 19-20mm,前翅長11-12mm;觸角絲狀,雄蟲者粗各節具有一對長剛毛,近基部1/3處具有一瘤突;體軀與前翅褐色;前翅頂角突出,外緣向外彎,前中線深褐色、於中段具兩次折曲,端室斑ㄑ字形、深褐色,後中線於腎紋外側段向外突出,亞外緣線由頂角延伸而出、褐色內襯有棕色暈,頂角具有一黑色斑暈,外緣黃褐色內襯黑邊;後翅灰褐色,亞外緣線黃褐色,近內緣1/4處稍折曲,此線內緣摻暗棕暈。外觀近似棕鐮鬚裳蛾(Zanclognatha nakatomii),然該種體型稍大(展翅長21-23 mm),前翅亞外緣內襯之暗棕暈帶較寬較明顯而可作初步辨識。
TaiBNET code: 413186
原始文獻:Owada, M. 1977. Taxonomic studies on Zanclognatha yakushimalis Sugi and its allied species from Japan and Taiwan, with descriptions of two new species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Tinea, 10: 103-117, 20 figs.
TaiBNET code: 413186
原始文獻:Owada, M. 1977. Taxonomic studies on Zanclognatha yakushimalis Sugi and its allied species from Japan and Taiwan, with descriptions of two new species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Tinea, 10: 103-117, 20 figs.
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雄蟲;台東綠島;傅建明蒐藏 Male; Green Island; CCMF |