2014年5月17日 星期六

Simplicia xanthoma Prout, 1928 黃褐貧裳蛾

Simplicia xanthoma Prout, 1928 黃褐貧裳蛾

Simplicia xanthoma Prout, 1928, Sarawak Mus. J., 3: 479, pl. 15, fig. 11 (TL: [Malaysia], [Borneo], Mt. Poi, holotype: ♂, in coll. BMNH); Poole, 1989: 913; Owada, 1992b: 188; Holloway, 2008: 116, pl. 5-23, fig. 269; Owada, 2011a: 227, pl: 2-045-1, 2; Owada, 2011b: 228, pl. 57: 24, 25.
Simplicia pseudoniphona Sugi, 1965, Kontyû, 33: 368, fig. 4; Owada, 1987: 85, figs. 50, 154, 155, 182, 352, 442.

Simplicia caeneusalis: Kononenko, 2005: 14, pl. 1, fig. 40, nec Walker, [1859], 1858, misidentification.
描述:本種展翅長28-30,前翅長15-16mm;觸角絲狀,雄蟲者於基側1/3段數節具明顯膨大;頭部、體軀與前翅淡棕色;前翅稍寬,前中線與後中線稍暗隱約可見,腎紋呈稍暗點斑,亞外緣線細,黃褐色而於中段向內稍微彎;後翅翅身較前翅稍淡,亞外緣線細呈黃褐色,於近內緣1/3段具明顯轉折。外觀上近似基空貧裳蛾(Simplicia simplicissima,然該種雄蟲觸角近基部端無膨大,前翅黯棕色,前翅基部中段有一無鱗片之橫向區間而可作初步辨識。



TaiBNET code: 346732

原始文獻:Prout, A. E., 1928. Noctuid moths from some of the mountains of Sarawak, part II. Sarawak Mus. J., 3: 461-503, 1 pl.

雄蟲;桃園觀音洞(650 m)
Male; Guanyindong, Taoyuan, 650 m © Logan Lai

雄蟲;桃園觀音洞(650 m);林試所
Male; Guanyindong, Taoyuan, 650 m; TFRI 

